
I made a comment on Speech2012 asking why the new posts, some good ones, about what's going on in Melbourne keep getting posted under the 'one word responses for the biennallleee de Lyon'. It's not so much that the new posts are about Melbourne in particular, it's nice thta there is stuff from all over, but just that they are new posts, new stuff is sought of how blogs seem to work maybe, and one could be forgiven for looking at Speech and think nothing is moving, but there is, it's just being moved underneath. My comment has been removed.


Helen said...

I think they do that if there's a post they particularly want people to keep responding to, maybe the idea is that more people will add comments about the B de L as they get to see it...

Jess said...

Arrhh that bugs me! ACW need to loosen their apron strings...

Unknown said...

It's their blog, they can post where they want to.

I think Helen's right, plus it also made sense to post Meredith's review next to Michael's earlier review of the same show.

But either way, the Lyon stuff has been moved down the page now in response to your comments. So, power to the readers!