'you're the cunt, donut'
Ocular Lab Inc.
31 Pearson St., West Brunswick 
opens 12 Dec 3-5pm 
continues 13, 19, 20 Dec !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bill Donovan said...

cunt is such a funny word. My friends in high school used to have parties where they would pretend to be smurfs, but substitute the ubiquitious "Smurfy," from that cartoon, with "Cunty." They enjoyed the outrage.

Bill Donovan said...

Kate do you have a website that has photos of your artwork?

Bill Donovan said...

Kate, I am blogging at www.beautifuldecay.com now too. Write me an email please donovan.bill@gmail.com - just say "Hi" so I can reply to you. I want to ask you something.