alexvivian said...

is the top one one whoops kibutz show? i just got this made camoflague winter jacket, 29 finger discount. xoxo

Bill Donovan said...

these are awesome Kate. Don't kill this blog

Józsi said...

Dear Kate,

I invite you to an easy-to-do collaboration project.

At the Hungarian University of Fine Arts – Intermedia Department is a task for me to make a drawing book collaborated with other people. This book will be exhibited in Budapest. I hopefully ask you to send me an image (jpg, etc.) (not only drawing – any media or a photo) (an existing graphic or a quick –one minute– sketch is ok) for me by e-mail (to robot84@gmail.com). I’m going to put it in the book. Later this book will be a publisher edition. I request artists around the world. Feel free to ask me about this project by e-mail.

I wish you the bests, sincerely!

Jozsef Sos, Hungary
E-mail: robot84@gmail.com
Website: http://edgeone.blogspot.com/