Hung out with Elvis yesterday, I wonder if she will write about this on her blog first,or not. So good to see her we rarely get to talk except that weird chopped up opening talk. On they way to tram we saw this and it scared the hellout of me!. a hand waving around in a ATM screen,ahhhhh.
Went to see James Lynch, Chinese Laundry, at Uplands, the ye olde young guy gallery of yester year according to Australian art collector-well accoding to ashley crawford-with his metions of Uplands comes a metion of Neon Parc - automatic, they are the young dude gallery of today right? ,i've just noticed this that's all, i think crawford is being pretty dry when he does it? But its like pats and stabs in the back at the same time,so cosy? I mean maybe these places hould be able to themselves, with out the cred and assosc.
Anyway- Chinese Laundry - well---Tastes like chicken.
It sent me diving for the info table so quickly. I need the essay.
Somany shows seemto be an artifact for the writing to me.
Iwonder if i am hindered, abit unable to see, beacuse of learning in Cootamundra and Canberra, Seeing art always as a reproduction- mediated by a lesson, lecture, notes context and writing. I guess this is why i do how i do,it seems to be a lie that art doesn't need to talk.
But resolution seems to be the greatest enemy of energy in exhbitions. And that seems too be what 'they' want. they want you energy. they want to feel close to the moment it was made- and close to you. Studying art history atthe ANU this seemed at the guts of the story- setting up the context,political climate,social status of/for the artist seemed a platform for the anecdote. "And just before painting this he cut of his ear". Ok,sothepoint of all of that was energy.
Lynch, and everyone else has to make the one work 17 timesforan even show that forfils the brief,proposal - they wrote or pitched to their gallery before making the work? 17 even,tempered salesrather than 2 exstatic ones and 15 failures? I don't know. It can be really satisfying when every element of a show can help other parts out- the essay, the work, the booze etc.But i think this formula happens to often- and falls short. i think these elements should be seperate locations, doing different things?
Mcinnes essay,seemed to latch onto the invite image, and Lyches past -him in other peoples dreams work- yes agreed that is sweet poetic stuff, but poor guy he is held accountable to that everytime,
I was so excited by this show-by the invite-I really thought he might expose, risk something in this show. i can see there was a 'bouncy' thinking action that went into building the diaroamas to than paint- but it seemed a bit selfconcious to, its that resolution thing, why thenpiant them-they became encoumbered by the steps involved. I really wanted to like it- i thinkthere is something fragile and nice there,i really went to like this show, but it just gets lost. I want a show to flow in and out, quick stix, not swill around.